Leverage your privacy practice as competitive advantage.

Enhance the added value of privacy by-design and embedded data privacy controls, to nurture a high-level digital trust with your customers.

Our privacy experts are available as advisors for your staff, a technical counterpart for your legal counsellor or an extension of your internal Data Privacy Team.

Advisory - BitBang

With years of experience in customer data and consent management, we can advise on setting up a global data privacy strategy and sorting the most challenging points for your organization.

Our team of internationally certified (CIPP/E, CIPM, ISO 27701, ISO 27001) data privacy experts can assess the maturity of your privacy compliance programs, and provide support for data protection initiatives.

Compliance Management - BitBang

We support you in assessing, designing and implementing your privacy compliance frameworks and privacy by design practice – including a compliant access control program, to ensure that only authorized personnel accesses customer data.

Leverage our technical competence to build and maintain a high-quality database, including the lineage of consent chain.

Assurance Management - BitBang

We aim to spare you the risk of relevant fines by verifying hands-on if the technical solutions in place in your digital marketing properties comply with your privacy program. A similar assessment can be applied to your digital marketing and data practice.

Turn a one-time assessment into a continuous practice, constantly improving your data governance.

Privacy OS