Activate the full potential of data about your business: connect data sources, make them coherent accessible and secure, keep them up-to-date, express the data visually and extract valuable actionable insights – be it routinely or through ad-hoc analysis.

Modern Business Intelligence - BitBang

MBI allows you to connect data from different sources, keep them up-to-date, make them easily and securely accessible for proper job roles, coherently used across departments, presented with the proper balance between informative clarity and performance.

Reporting & Data visualisation - BitBang

Do you need to routinely check a well-established set of KPIs, or to provide different reports to different sets of users? Do you need to enable users to explore a dataset to better understand what is happening?
Our team will design reports and interactive dashboards responding to your informative need and striving for the best possible user experience.

Insights - BitBang

Some real-world problems are just not solved by pre-made dashboards or reports. Sometimes you need a new way to tackle a problem, a new perspective to look at your data and uncover hidden patterns.
Our experienced team of analysts can identify and perform a wide array of ad-hoc analysis to help you make sense of your data, following what is unique in your business.
