The digital marketing world is where Big Data is born.

This is why a consultancy company like BitBang has such a strong Data Science team, ready to develop highly customised solutions for your business leveraging state of the art technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing.

Advanced Analytics - BitBang

Using Artificial Intelligence techniques such as Machine Learning, forecasting, natural language processing, deep neural networks and more: we can put the full potential of advanced analytics at the service of your business.

Our highly experienced team can analyse the requirements of your business domain and help you uncover hidden insights through ad hoc solutions.

Artificial Intelligence - BitBang

Our experts will help you to extract value from all the ‘dark data’ that is currently collected but not harnessed.

By applying the most effective techniques to large volumes of data - including unstructured data such as images or text - we can find answers to new questions, identifying patterns which human analysts might miss.

Machine Learning Pipelines - BitBang

Machine learning can be incredibly valuable but is difficult to implement. Our team has the experience, the knowledge and the technical ability to help you make the most of these advanced applications.

Predictive Analysis - BitBang

Our predictive analytics service will help you go from merely knowing what happened in the past, to predicting what will happen in the future.

Using the latest technology and platforms, no longer will predictive analytics be the reserved to statisticians or computer scientists – now it’s open to everyone in your business.
