Data Icon - BitBang


13 July 2023

Time Icon - BitBang


17:15 – 19:00

Location Icon - BitBang


Magna Pars, Rooftop, Milan

(View on Google Maps)

Language Icon - BitBang



In Partnership With

Are you ready to take your company’s digital transformation to the next level? Investing in data tools is a great start, but you really need your data to be real time, reliable, easily accessible and understandable.

Imagine having interconnected data sources that provide a comprehensive view of your customers and business activities. What if data could be easily understood and insights automated, with customized dashboards for every user and real-time results shared across the entire organization?

Join us at our event to discover how DOMO can unleash the power of modern Business Intelligence in your company and help you break down data silos. Say goodbye to fragmented information and unlock the full potential of your data for data-driven decision-making. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to revolutionize your company’s data-driven journey.


  • Icon - BitBang
    17:15 – 17:30
  • Icon - BitBang
    17:30 – 17:45
    Welcome & Introductions
  • Icon - BitBang
    17:45 – 18:15
    Domo Intro
  • Icon - BitBang
    18:15 – 18:45
    Client Success Story
  • Icon - BitBang
    Q&A & Networking Aperitivo